BKells EDCI 335


For our selected learning blueprint; A High School Physical and Mental Health and Wellness Program. I’ve selected a video by Psych Hub (2020) that focuses on the connection between physical and mental health. The video will have students think about how physical and mental health are intertwined, and question how poor physical health can have a negative impact on mental health and vice versa. This short video touches on the essential questions for our chosen topic and segments the importance of self-care practices for both physical and mental health, such as eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and practicing techniques like meditation and deep breathing (Psych Hub, 2020). One activity that could be suggested after watching the video is to have students create a personal self-care plan that addresses both their physical and mental health needs. Students could create a chart or a list of activities that they can do to promote their physical health, such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep, as well as activities that they can do to promote their mental health, such as practicing mindfulness, seeking support from friends and family, or engaging in a creative hobby (Psych Hub, 2020). This would help students develop their knowledge and skills related to the topic and identify personalized strategies that work for them individually. It would also help students develop skills related to setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. To provide feedback on the self-care plan activity, we could use various mediums or technologies depending on communication needs. In-person feedback can be employed if we are in the same location, while written feedback may be provided if it is an online program. We could use video feedback, or utilize online platforms like google classroom for the submission and receipt of feedback. The key is to ensure that feedback is provided in a timely and constructive manner to support the students’ learning and development.

(2020). YouTube. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://youtu.be/EKEWk4oWmjY


Designing for Inclusion


Learning Pod #1/ Peer Review


  1. Anastassiya

    Hi Brayden! Fantastic video. I really like its storytelling style! It makes it personal and engages the viewer to keep watching! Also, it is a great idea to ask students to create a personal self-care plan. It would help them connect “theory” to their real personal life.

  2. bamo

    Nice post Brayden,

    This video shows a super important concept that we definitely should implement into our learning design. I think it’s really important for teenagers, especially in high school, to learn the importance of mental/physical health and their connection with one another. This video seems like it does a great job explaining these ideas and will act as a great resource for the students to use. I’m excited to see how this all pans out in our final learning design.


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